The components of a Kubernetes cluster comprise of certain HTTPS clients and HTTPS servers, for example kube-apiserver and kubectl form an HTTPS server-client combination. Secure communication between an HTTPS client and HTTPS server is ensured using TLS certficiates. In real world when we access an HTTPS website from our browser, certificates are generated automatically in the backend and we don't realize it. However we have an opportunity here to generate those certficates ourselves and understand more. The whole process or setup of generating encoded keys, certificates, signing them to enable secure communication is called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Hence, as a first step, we are going to install GO and CFSSL on an Ubuntu machine. CFFLS is a tool written in 'GO' to generate TLS certificates and self sign them.

Certificates of websites are signed using authorized certificate authorities which incurs cost and not self signed. 'go' or 'golang' is a programming language open sourced by Google





Install Go

Download the binary distribution

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ wget

Extract contents from the compressed file

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ tar -xzf go1.13.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

There should be a new directory by the name 'go'

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ ls go

Remove the downloaded binary now

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ rm go1.13.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz 

Move the 'go' directory to /usr/local

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ sudo mv go /usr/local

Add the binary to the PATH environment variable

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

The GO CLI should now work

networkandcode@Linux:/usr/local$ go
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.


	go <command> [arguments]


networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ export GOPATH=/usr/local/go/

Install CFSSL

Clone the cfssl repo

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ git clone

Create a directory in the go src path

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ sudo mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/

Move cfssl to the cloudflare directory

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ sudo mv cfssl/ $GOPATH/src/

Make using GO

networkandcode@Linux:/tmp$ cd $GOPATH/src/
networkandcode@Linux:/usr/loca/go/src/$ make

The cfssl binaries should now be available

networkandcode@Linux:~$ ls /usr/loca/go/src/
cfssl         cfssl-certinfo  cfssl-newkey  mkbundle
cfssl-bundle  cfssljson       cfssl-scan    multirootca

Add cfssl binaries to path

networkandcode@Linux:~$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/

cfssl cli should now work

networkandcode@Linux:~$ cfssl
No command is given.
Available commands:
