89 - OSPF's IP Protocol number

10 - Default Hello Interval flooding in second - multicast address of All OSPF routers in an area, for LSA flooding - All DRs multicast address

128 - Default router priority

24 - OSPF Header size in Bytes

20 - LSA Header size in Bytes

60 - LSA Maximum age in minutes

30 - Standarad LSA refresh timer in minutes

50 - junos LSA refresh timer in minutes

Stub Area - LSA 1, 2, 3

Stub Area with no Summaries / Totally Stubby Area - LSA 1, 2

Not so Stubby Area - LSA 1, 2, 3, 7

Not so Stubby Area with no Summaries / Totally Not so Stubby Area - LSA 1, 2, 7
