We can attach persistent volumes to Pods, these volumes remain unchanged even when there is a Pod failure, Google compute engine standard persistent disk is an example of persistent volume on the Cloud.


Let’s create a blank disk in the same zone as the Kubernetes cluster

Screenshot 2019-03-28 at 7.47.33 PM.png

To view the list of compute engine disks

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ gcloud compute disks list
NAME                                               ZONE SIZE_GB TYPE STATUS
disk-1                                             us-east1-b 10 pd-standard  READY
gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-019h  us-central1-a 100 pd-standard READY
gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-glnz  us-central1-a 100 pd-standard READY
gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-rxrw  us-central1-a 100 pd-standard READY
networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$


We need to refer the name of this disk, in our Pod definition


Let’s view the Pod definition


networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ cat podWithPersistentVolume.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: apache-pod
 - name: apache-container
   image: httpd
   - name: apache-volume
     mountPath: /tmp/apache
 - name: apache-volume
     pdName: disk-1


Let’s create the Pod

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl create -f podWithPersistentVolume.yaml
pod "apache-pod" created


The Pod is successfully running

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl get pods
apache-pod   1/1 Running   0 20s


Let’s view more details about the Pod

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl describe po/apache-pod


   Type:       GCEPersistentDisk (a Persistent Disk resource in Google Compute Engine)
   PDName:     disk-1


 Type    Reason                Age From                                          Message
 ----    ------                ---- ----                                          -------
 Normal  Scheduled               50s default-scheduler                                          Successfully assigned default/apache-pod to gke-standard-cluster-1-defaul
 Normal  SuccessfulAttachVolume  42s attachdetach-controller                                     AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "apache-volume"
 Normal  Pulling                40s kubelet, gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-glnz  pulling image "httpd"
 Normal  Pulled                40s kubelet, gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-glnz  Successfully pulled image "httpd"
 Normal  Created                40s kubelet, gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-glnz  Created container
 Normal  Started                40s kubelet, gke-standard-cluster-1-default-pool-a97a9634-glnz  Started container


Let’s login to the Pod and launch bash

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl exec -it apache-pod -- /bin/bash

To change the directory to the volume mount path, as specified in the Pod definition
root@apache-pod:/usr/local/apache2# cd /tmp/apache


Let’s create a text file and add some text to it

root@apache-pod:/tmp/apache# echo "Sample Text" > test.txt
root@apache-pod:/tmp/apache# ls
lost+found  test.txt
root@apache-pod:/tmp/apache# cat test.txt
Sample Text


To exit out of the Pod

root@apache-pod:/tmp/apache# exit


To delete the Pod
networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl delete pod apache-pod
pod "apache-pod" deleted


networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl get pods
No resources found.


To create the Pod again

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl apply -f podWithPersistentVolume.yaml
pod "apache-pod" created


To getinto the bash prompt of the Pod

networkandcode@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-cka-224606)$ kubectl exec -it apache-pod -- /bin/bash


To check the contents of the volume mount path

root@apache-pod:/usr/local/apache2# ls /tmp/apache/
lost+found  test.txt


The file is still there as the volume is persistent
root@apache-pod:/usr/local/apache2# cat /tmp/apache/test.txt
Sample Text

