devices:    #7200 gns3    #7200 gns3    #csr1000v

~~~~~network admin tool,


use at your own risk, try to emulate before testing on production

choose a task:

1. dns forward lookup: hostname to ip
2. dns reverse lookup: ip to hostname
3. ping test
4. inventory check(comware)
5. execute same command on multiple devices

choice: 5
How would you like to provide the device CIs
1. direct input
2. file

choice: 1
Enter the CIs/IPs, one in each line:

Choose a device type
1. Comware
2. Procurve
3. Aruba
4. Cisco


login: cisco
is there a super / enable password (Y/N) :y
enable / super password:

How would you like to provide the commands, to be executed
1. direct input
2. file

choice: 1
Enter the commands, one in each line:
sh ip arp
sh vlan br
sh log
sh cdp ne
sh ip ro
sh bgp sum

results are stored here:

sh ip arp
sh ip arp\ sh ip arp.txt
sh ip arp\ sh ip arp.txt
sh ip arp\ sh ip arp.txt

sh vlan br
sh vlan br\ sh vlan br.txt
sh vlan br\ sh vlan br.txt
sh vlan br\ sh vlan br.txt

sh log
sh log\ sh log.txt
sh log\ sh log.txt
sh log\ sh log.txt

sh cdp ne
sh cdp ne\ sh cdp ne.txt
sh cdp ne\ sh cdp ne.txt
sh cdp ne\ sh cdp ne.txt

sh ip ro
sh ip ro\ sh ip ro.txt
sh ip ro\ sh ip ro.txt
sh ip ro\ sh ip ro.txt

sh bgp sum
sh bgp sum\ sh bgp sum.txt
sh bgp sum\ sh bgp sum.txt
sh bgp sum\ sh bgp sum.txt


type q to quit, or any other key to issue more commands: q
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wish to run another task(Y/N)?: n
